Maximizing Your Employee Benefits to Attract and Retain Talent

Maximizing Your Employee Benefits to Attract and Retain Talent

吸引和留住优秀人才是大多数雇主面临的共同难题.  While having the lowest unemployment rate in the past 50 years is a good thing, 这也意味着可供选择的候选人越来越少,竞争也越来越激烈.  如果你还考虑到员工任期的中位数相对较短,4.3 years for men and 4.0 years for women according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,它确实说明了不仅要吸引人才,还要留住人才的重要性.  Other than higher pay, what can employers provide that will help them accomplish this, without breaking the bank?

Perks vs Benefits

While the two may sound identical, there is a subtle difference.  福利通常是满足基本需求的非现金补偿形式.  如果不是由雇主提供,员工可能必须自己支付费用.  例子包括健康保险、带薪休假、退休储蓄等等.  Perks, on the other hand, 员工的薪水和福利待遇通常都是令人满意的吗, but aren’t considered necessary.  Perks might include being able to work from home, a flexible working schedule, or a casual dress code.  虽然两者都是帮助吸引和留住人才的有用工具, there are certainly different price tags.

The Most Valuable Benefit

While many perks and benefits are important, providing health insurance is the most important to employees, and certainly the most costly (as if you needed a reference).  Unfortunately, as we know all too well, 提供医疗保险的成本正在以不可持续的速度增长.  尤其是药房,是美国医疗保健系统中最大的成本驱动因素之一,尤其是雇主, with 2017年的医疗支出超过3300亿美元,其中私人医疗保险占42%.  那么,雇主如何在保持低成本的情况下,为员工提供良好的医疗保险呢?

A way to do this, that some would consider low-hanging fruit, 确保你的处方中不包括低价值的药物.  以下是8种药物的例子,它们在最近进行的一项研究中节省了21%的费用 study through the Commonwealth Fund.  这些药物可能是拥有更便宜仿制药的名牌药物, are combination drugs of cheaper alternatives, 或者只是一种旧药的新版本,基本上起着同样的作用.

Maximizing Your Pharmacy and Medical Benefits

The 正规澳门赌场app offers the Right Rx program, 这是一个在幕后工作的药房覆盖,以识别您的员工正在服用的低成本药物, 然后代表员工联系他们的医疗服务提供者,建议他们做出改变.  该计划有保证的投资回报,该计划的用户通常会看到药房节省8-10%.

Also, if you are using one of the “big three” PBMs (Express Scripts, CVS Health, or OptumRx) rather than a transparent, 100% pass-through PBM, 太平洋健康商业集团的劳伦·维拉在2019年医疗保健圆桌会议上说, “You’re not getting a good deal”.  正规澳门赌场app正在考虑为我们的会员提供透明的PBM选择,这将大大节省药房费用.

雇主也有更大的机会通过自我保险而不是全额保险来节省为员工提供健康保险的钱, if possible.  正规澳门赌场app现在提供员工专属福利,允许中小型雇主享受自我保险的所有好处(访问数据), plan design flexibility, greater savings potential), without having to bear all the financial risk.  This is possible by being placed into a group of other healthy, 提供额外一层或止损保护的志同道合的雇主.  我们提供了一个教育课程来了解这个新产品, which you can watch in its entirety here, or you can watch just the description about the STAR Captive here.

你有没有实施过这里没有提到的策略,但你想分享一下?  We’d love to hear them!  如果你想了解更多正规澳门赌场app这篇文章中提到的信息,请 contact us.


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